There were unmistakable parallels along the way. Reality took a back seat to the euphoria of wealth. People who had some were getting more. Others who had not got their foot in the door. From Walmart to Wegewood, consumerism was filling our houses. Wall Street saw Dow blow past 10 K. We built bigger houses, cars, companies and churches. Each had fancy perks to make life easier. We were living our own era of decadence.
As the foundation began to crumble we were warned by some like wandering prophets calling out, "Prepare, for the end is near." Like the people of Sodom, we went headlong into destruction. Greed and avarice were revealed. We blamed the experts who talked us into taking out that loan or making that sure investment. It was all going to be fine because the economy was strong.
It should have hit us that we were not living right. Jesus said, "you cannot serve both God and money." We, as a nation, have chosen money. We're religious, but not committed. Read through the Old Testament kings and prophets. When a nation turned from God he let them go.
In the wake of the Depression our nation turned to the government to restore our prosperity. Again, we have turned to government. We ask it to provide for our needs ad get us back where we were. Where is the groundswell calling out for repentance? Where is the brave leader in our capitol encouraging us to choose God? In an age of secular pressure perhaps we have finally moved past those days. If so, then our best days may well be behind us.
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