Thursday, March 05, 2009

Mr. Brown Goes to Washington

As I work his morning I am listening to CSAPN. Yes, I actually am that much of a politics government junkie. Among the recent archives was the address of Gordon Brown (the prime minister of Great Britain) to the U.S. Congress.

In his address Mr. Brown graciously paid homage to the service our country has provided his country and Europe over the years. He acknowledged Mr. Obama's historic position as President and the way nations around the world are buoyed by his leadership. He encouraged our nation to be a leader among nations in bringing about recovery from our current economic crisis.

Throughout his address the Prime Minister surprised me with biblical analogies. He alluded most poignantly to Jesus' term "a city on a hill" and to the parable of the good Samaritan who did not just walk on the other side of the road when he saw a man beaten up on the side of the road.

There was something quite inspirational in Mr. Brown's speech on action and faith. It was also something rather curious. Mr. Brown lauded "faith in the future", in education, and even in America. What he did not mention was faith in God. Now, he is no pastor, but with all of these biblical allusions and in a desperate time I had thought he might be the one to take that bold step.

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